BloxXwop Joining the NEW NFT Market Enthusiasm

BloxXwop Exchange
2 min readMar 31, 2021


NFT’s are the NEW thing in crypto, and the hottest new exchange BloxXwop is in on the wave.

NFTs are the latest craze in the cryptocurrency world. If your new to crypto, getting into NFT’s now would be like getting Bitcoin when it was at $500. Recently Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter, sold his first tweet ever for 2.9 million dollars. Who could have known that 140 characters could be worth so much? The team at BloxXwop, which is always working to stay a head of the digital curve has decided to join the fray!

So, what are NFT’s? NFT is short for Non-fungible token. NFTs are units of data that can be bought and sold which are used to represent unique assets that cannot be copied. To put it simply, they’re used as proof of ownership for these unique assets. Just like with rare minerals, fine art, or one-of-a-kind sports memorabilia, scarcity increases its presumed value. Understanding that people everywhere should have full access to participate in this new investment avenue, BloxXwop has entered the NFT world.

BloxXwop, one of the newest decentralized exchanges will be adding NFTs to the ever expanding list of digital assets available to its worldwide audience. Following in the footsteps of Dorsey, their first NFT is a tweet listed on Valuables BY CENT. If you’re interested in making an offer on their 1st ever NFT, click this link: BloxX NFT. Come to BloxXwop and Register your account with us to enter into the NFT market with us at

“NFT’s will change the way we see traditional items and memorabilia around the world. A true decentralized ledger proving ownership, and adds value to peoples lives. Imagine your average Joe could have bought Micheal Jordan’s original basketball card first”

  • Dillon Omane, President of the BloxXwop Foundation

About BloxXwop:

BloxXwop is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) platform committed to aid and accelerate a financial cultural diversification. We view ourselves as The Ultimate Equalizer in the commitment to providing access to crypto assets and microfinance globally. The BloxX Foundation, is dedicated to providing communication tools in financially disenfranchised areas of the world. 1% of monthly profits will be distributed to reputable causes.

For more on BloxXwop:





BloxXwop Exchange

BloxXwop, a decentralised cryptocurrency trading exchange (DEX) that accelerates a financial cultural diversification through its platform.